Tributaries |
Become a River Guardian! We will help you. The Thornapple River is greatly affected by the health of its tributary watersheds. If these small contributing watersheds are adopted by local groups, the continued health of the whole watershed is more likely to be preserved and restored. |
The EPA lists several significant tributaries; there are many smaller ones that are not listed. They are all vitally important. If you live near or on one of these streams, consider becoming a River Guardian, and put that watershed under your personal stewardship. Please contact the TRWG and we will assist you, or direct you to an existing group. |
Click here for watershed map. |
There are several existing Lake and Dam associations within the watershed. Those groups and their contact information and activities will be posted here. Please check back later, or email if you need the information or would like to start one. |
Rivers and Streams Listed by EPA in HUC# 04050007 |
Status |
Bear Creek | Available |
Cedar Creek | Adopted; Pierce-Cedar Creek Institute. Contact Gary Pierce, Director, 820 W. Clinton St., Hastings, Michigan, 49508. Phone, 616-945-5464. Email: |
Cold Water River | Adopted; Coldwater River Watershed Group, Alto/Freeport. Has been designated as a Conservation Priority area by the Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) of the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Contact: email me and I will send information. |
Duck Creek | Available |
Glass Creek | Available |
High Bank Creek | Available |
Lacey Creek | Available |
Little Thornapple River | Available |
Mud Creek | Adopted. Mud Creek Watershed Project, Hastings. Contact: Steve Bare. |
Thornapple Lake | Lake association |
Adoptable Streams Not Listed by EPA | Watersheds of special concern. |
Alaska Creek | Adopted. Drains Kraft Lake, where Foremost Co. has a water discharge permit. Enters Thornapple River near Kegal St. in Alaska. |
Emmons Creek | Adopted. Drains Emmons Lake in Caledonia Village, enters Thornapple north of Labarge Dam. |
McCords Creek | Drains from near Campau Lake through wetlands to the Thornapple, and is the watershed of the Blackstone Development wetlands controversy. Has historic mill impoundment at Whitneyville Road. Suffers from sediment runoff; drains into Thornapple Big Bayou in the Cascade Dam Empoundment. |
Quiggle Creek | Available. Drains Quiggle Lake north of I96 in Cascade. |
Schoolhouse Creek | Adopted. A study conducted by the Kent County Drain Commissioner and GVSU-WRI revealed this Cascade Township system to be choked with sediment. A citizen group would greatly increase chances that improvements will be made in this lovely stream. |