Learn to protect water quality at the THORNAPPLE RIVER WATERSHED EXPO
Caledonia, Kent county, Michigan, September 30, 1999 4-7 p.m.— Protecting water quality takes more than cleaning up one lake or river — it means looking at all the surface and ground water bodies that flow together in one watershed. Learn to care for your local watershed by attending the Thornapple River Watershed Expo, September 30, from 4-7 p.m., 1999, in the Caledonia High School Cafeteria, 9757 Duncan Lake Road, SE, in Caledonia, Kent County, Michigan.
County and township officials, students and teachers, builders and developers, farmers and residents, and others concerned with water quality and land use in Michigan watersheds are invited to attend this event, which will focus on understanding watersheds, preserving water quality, and land use issues.
“The Thornapple River Watershed Expo will give people a great opportunity to learn about their local water resources and how land uses can affect them,” said Patricia, program coordinator. “The information won’t come from some far away place, it will be information that is local, relevant and useful to citizens and decision makers in this area. Participants will also have the opportunity to network with some ongoing watershed projects.”
The Expo is part of the Thornapple River Watershed Management Short Course, a 20-hour watershed management course that runs from September 9 through October 2, 1999, and is supported by a grant from the Grand Rapids Foundation.
For more more information or to submit an exhibit, call the Thornapple River Watershed Group at 616-891-8817 or email thornapple@hotmail.com.