Session II
September 16
6:00 Welcome
6:15 Critical Hydrological features of one healthy and one degraded subwatershed.
Janice Tompkins MDEQ (confirmed)
- Duck Creek; location, land use, characteristics.
- Manure contamination incident and results.
- Emmons Creek; location, land use, characteristics.
- Flashiness and flooding in Emmons, causes and results.
7:00 Common H2O quality parameters and contamination routes.
Barry Health Dept. (Regina)
- What is "clean water?"
- Point vs. non-point
- DO, pH, temperature, clarity, phosphorous
- Ground water: nitrates, organics, heavy metals, salt
7:30 Land use as a source of non-point pollution: Jim Smalligan
- Impervious surfaces, CSO’s, direct discharge, temperature and spills
- One or more specific examples from the watershed
- Impervious surface, runoff, direct discharge, temperature and spills.
- Example: retention basin in Glen Valley, Caledonia Village (maybe…TRWG has photos of rain event) or other example
8:00 Break
8:15 Land uses continued:
- Roads and bridges: impervious surface, salt, oil, sediment, temperature and spills. (Jim continues?)
- Example of road/bridge stabilization project
Agricultural practices: soil compaction, erosion, runoff, leaching, and spills.
Charles Gould, MSU-Ext.
Forestry Practices: erosion, sediment, temperature and shading.
Jim Bruce, NRCS
9: 15 Small group activity